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2020年04月27日 12:25  点击:[]






主持国家自然科学基金1项,中国博士后基金、陕西省自然科学基金和国家重点实验室开放基金等省部级项目4项,并参与欧盟区域发展基金、国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金面上项目等多项国际、国家级科研项目;已发表学术论文二十余篇,其中以第一作者在Applied catalysis B: EnvironmentalChemical Engineering JournalScience of the Total Environment等领域权威期刊发表论文14篇,ESI热点论文1篇,授权国家专利8项。







1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,等离子体协同多孔碳负载镍纳米催化剂重整芳香烃的产物调控机制(22208204),2023.1-2025.1230万,主持。

2. 中国博士后科学基金面上,MOFs衍生铜纳米催化剂强化等离子体重整CO2/CH4制液态高值化学品的反应机制(2022M722015),2023.1-2024.128万,主持。

3. 陕西省自然科学基金青年项目,限域型镍基催化剂增效低温等离子体重整CH4-CO2反应机理(2022JQ-101),2022.1-2023.125万,主持。

4. 中国科学院地球环境研究所黄土与第四纪地质国家重点实验室开放课题(SKLLQG2129),2022.1-2023.122万,主持。

5. 省部共建煤炭高效利用与绿色化工国家重点实验室开放课题(2022-K45),2022.1-2023.123万,主持。

6. 陕西科技大学高水平博士人才科研启动项目,2020.4-2024.420万,主持。

7. 横向课题, 2022.10-2023.35万,主持。


1. Chang Tian, Zhao Zuotong, Leus Karen, Shen Zhenxing, Huang Yu, Wang Chuanyi, De Geyter Nathalie, Morent Rino. The remarkable oxidation of trichloroethylene in a post-plasma-catalytic system over Ag-Mn-Ce/HZSM-5 catalysts [J]. Fuel, 2023, 334: 126746.

2. Chang Tian, Wang Yu, Wang Yaqi, Zhao Zuotong, Shen Zhenxing, Huang Yu, Veerapandian Savita K.P., De Geyter Nathalie, Wang Chuanyi, Chen Qingcai, Morent Rino. A critical review on plasma-catalytic removal of VOCs: catalyst development, process parameters and synergetic reaction mechanism [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 828: 154290 (ESI热点论文).

3. Chang Tian, Wang Yaqi, Zhao Zuotong, Wang Yu, Ma Chuanlong, Gao Ruili, Huang Yu, Chen Qingcai, Anton Nikiforov. Nonthermal plasma: An emerging innovative technology for the efficient removal of cooking fumes [J]. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2022, 10: 107721.

4. Chang Tian, Ma Chuanlong, Nikiforov Anton, Veerapandian Savita K.P., De Geyter Nathalie, Morent Rino. Plasma degradation of trichloroethylene: process optimization and reaction mechanism analysis [J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2022, 55: 125202.

5. Chang Tian, Chen Qingcai, Fan Hao, Shen Zhenxing, Zhang Bin, Huang Yu, Veerapandian Savita K.P., De Geyter Nathalie, Morent Rino. Removal mechanism and quantitative control of trichloroethylene in a post-plasma-catalytic system over Mn–Ce/HZSM-5 catalysts [J]. Catalysis Science & Technology, 2021, 11: 3746-3761.

6. Chang Tian, Ma Chuanlong, Shen Zhenxing, Veerapandian Savita K.P., Huang Yu, De Geyter Nathalie, Morent Rino. Mn-based catalysts for post non-thermal plasma catalytic abatement of VOCs: a review on experiments, simulations and modeling [J]. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 2021, 41: 1239-1278.

7. Chang Tian, Shen Zhenxing, Ma Chuanlong, Lu Jiaqi, Huang Yu, Veerapandian Savita K.P., De Geyter Nathalie, Morent Rino. Process optimization of plasma-catalytic formaldehyde removal using MnOx–Fe2O3 catalysts by response surface methodology [J]. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2021, 9: 105773.

8. Chang Tian, Lu Jiaqi, Shen Zhenxing, Huang Yu, Lu Di, Wang Xin, Cao Junji, Morent Rino. Simulation and optimization of the post plasma-catalytic system for toluene degradation by a hybrid ANN and NSGA-II method [J]. Applied catalysis B: Environmental, 2019, 244: 107-119.

9. Chang Tian, Shen Zhenxing, Huang Yu, Lu Jiaqi, Ren Dongxiao, Sun Jian, Cao Junji, Liu Hongxia. Post-plasma-catalytic removal of toluene using MnO2⁠-Co3⁠O4⁠ catalysts and their synergistic mechanism [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 348: 15-25.

10. Chang Tian, Lu Jiaqi, Shen Zhenxing, Zhang Bin, Huang Yu, Cao Junji, Liu Hongxia, Verapandian Savita K.P., De Geyter Nathalie, Morent Rino. Post plasma catalysis for the removal of acetaldehyde using Mn-Co/HZSM‑5 catalysts [J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019, 58: 14719-14728.

11. Chang Tian, Wang Jinhui, Lu Jiaqi, Shen Zhenxing, Huang Yu, Sun Jian, Xu Hongmei, Wang Xin, Ren Dongxiao, Cao Junji. Evaluation of indoor air pollution during the decorating process and inhalation health risks in Xi’ an, China: a case study [J]. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2019, 19: 854-868.

12. Chang Tian, Ren Dongxiao, Shen Zhenxing, Huang Yu, Sun Jian, Cao Junji, Zhou Jiyang, Liu Hongxia, Xu Hongmei, Zheng Chunli, Pan Hua, He Chi. Indoor air pollution levels in decorated residences and public places over Xi’an, China [J]. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2017, 17: 2197-2205.

13. Fan Hao, Fan Jie, Chang Tian, Wang Xiuru, Wang Xin, Huang Yu, Zhang Yang, Shen Zhenxing. Low-temperature Fe-MnO2 nanotube catalysts for the selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3 [J]. Applied Surface Science, 2022, 596: 153644.

14. Fan Hao, Shen Zhenxing, Wang Xiuru, Fan Jie, Sun Jian, Chang Tian, Huang Yu, Wang Xin, Sun Jiaxiang. Kiwi twig biochar recycling promoting the reduction of NO by a MnO2 catalyst [J]. Catalysis Science & Technology, 2021, 11 (19): 6553-6563.

15. Lin Hao, Chen Qingcai, Wang Mamin, Chang Tian. Oxidation potential and coupling effects of the fractionated components in airborne fine particulate matter [J]. Environmental Research, 2022, 213: 113652.

16. Chen Qingcai, Hua Xiaoyu, Li Jinwen, Chang Tian, Wang Yuqin. Diurnal evolutions and sources of water-soluble chromophoric aerosols over Xi'an during haze event, in Northwest China [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 786: 147412.

17. Chen Qingcai, Hua Xiaoyu, Wang Yuqin, Zhang Lixin, Chang Tian. Semi-continuous measurement of chromophoric organic aerosols using the PILS-EEM-TOC system [J]. Atmospheric Environment, 2021, 244: 117941.

18. Chen Qingcai, Chen Qian, Hua Xiaoyu, Guan Dongjie, Chang Tian. Gas-phase brown carbon: Absorbance and chromophore types [J]. Atmospheric Environment, 2021, 264: 118646.

19. Li Jinwen, Chen Qingcai, Hua Xiaoyu, Chang Tian, Wang Yuqin. Occurrence and sources of chromophoric organic carbon in fine particulate matter over Xi'an, China [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 725: 138290.

20. 常甜, 王宇, 赵作桐, 王亚琪, 高瑞丽, 李小飞, 王羽琴, 张立欣, 陈庆彩. MOFs基多孔材料吸附去除VOCs的研究进展 [J]. 环境工程, 2022, 40 (11): 237-250.

21. 常甜, 王宇, 赵作桐, 胡锦超, 沈振兴. 响应面法优化Mn-Ce/HZSM-5催化氧化三氯乙烯 [J]. 化工进展, 2022, 41 (11): 5830-5842.

22. 王亚琪, 常甜, 陈庆彩. 餐饮源VOCs组成特征及处理技术研究进展 [J]. 环境工程, 2021, 6: 9.

23. 樊灏, 沈振兴, 逯佳琪, 常甜, 黄宇. 常温除甲醛催化剂Mn1Cex/HZSM-5的活性位点与性能分析 [J]. 环境工程, 2021, 39(06): 99-105.



2.一种室内新风调温装置. 授权号:ZL201610821074.0.

3.一种集中式与分布式分级加湿的新风系统. 授权号:ZL201710399565.5.

4.一种含引流式水浴单元的光催化空气净化器. 授权号:ZL201620195034.5.

5.一种静电除尘与水介质净化相结合的空气净化器. 授权号:ZL201620194854.2.

6.一种基于多层鼠笼型结构电极的室内净化装置. 授权号:ZL201620285767.8.

7.一种室内新风净化换气装置. 授权号:ZL201621053426.4.

8.一种车载空气净化器. 授权号:ZL 201821049154.X.



E-mail: changtian@sust.edu.cn

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