主持国家自然科学基金青年基金1项、陕西省重点研发项目1项、北京市自然科学基金青年基金1项,指导大学生创新创业训练计划项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金项目面上项目4项,参与修订国家标准2项。共发表论文30篇,以第一作者或通讯作者身份在Frontiers in Plant Science、Tree physiology、IAWA Journal等期刊发表SCI论文17篇,1篇一作论文入选ESI高被引论文(被引频次205次)并获国际木材解剖学家协会期刊最佳论文奖。
1. 重金属、干旱等环境胁迫下的木本植物生理生态及解剖特征响应机制。
3. 环境污染特征及健康风险评价。
1、Li S, Wang J, Lu S, Li H, Guo J*. 2024. Responses of physiological traits and soil properties in Pinus thunbergia and Euonymus japonicus saplings under drought and xadmium (Cd) stress. Forests. 15(7):1141.
2、Li S*, Lu S, Wang J, Liu Z, Yuan C, Wang M, Guo J. 2024. Divergent effects of single and combined stress of drought and salinity on the physiological traits and soil properties of Platycladus orientalis saplings. Frontiers in Plant Science. 15:1351438.
3、Li S*, Li H, Wang J, Lu S, Liu Z, Jia H, Wei T, Guo J. 2024. The response of physiological and xylem anatomical traits under cadmium stress in Pinus thunbergii seedlings. Tree Physiology. Doi: 10.1093/treephys/tpae046.
4、Li S*, Lu S, Yuan C, Wang J, Guo J. 2024. The three-dimensional distribution of bordered pits across growth rings of stem segment in Platycladus orientalis (Cupressaceae) seedlings. IAWA Journal 45(2): 177-194.
5、Li S, Lu S, Wang J, Chen Z, Zhang Y, Duan J, Liu P, Wang X, Guo J*. 2023. Responses of physiological, morphological and anatomical traits to abiotic stress in woody plants. Forests 14(9):1784.
6、Li S, Wang J, Lu S, Salmon Y, Liu P, Guo J*. 2023. Trade-off between hydraulic safety and efficiency in plant xylem and its influencing factors. Forests 14(9): 1817.
7、Wang J, Li S*, Guo J, Ren H, Wang Y, Zhang Y, Yin Y. 2021. Characterization and comparison of the wood anatomical traits of plantation grown Quercus acutissima and Quercus variabilis. IAWA Journal 42(3): 244-257.
8、Li S, Li X, Wang J, Chen Z, Lu S, Wan X, Sun H, Wang L, Delzon S, Cochard H, Jiang X, Shu X, Zheng J*, Yin Y*. 2021. Hydraulic traits are coupled with plant anatomical traits under drought–rewatering cycles in Ginkgo biloba L. Tree Physiology 42(6):1216-27.
9、Li S, Wang J, Yin Y, Li X, Deng L, Jiang X, Chen Z, Li Y*. 2020. Investigating effects of bordered pit membrane morphology and properties on plant xylem hydraulic functions - a case study from 3D reconstruction and microflow modelling of pit membranes in angiosperm xylem. Plants 9: 231.
10、Li S, Li X, Link R, Li R, Deng L, Schuldt B, Jiang X, Jansen S, Zheng J, Zhao R, Yin Y*. 2019. Influence of cambial age and tree height on spatial patterns of xylem traits in Catalpa bungei, a ring-porous tree species native to China. Forests 10: 622.
11、Li S, Lens F, Espino S, Karimi Z, Klepsch M, Schenk HJ, Schmitt M, Schuldt B, Jansen S*. 2016. Intervessel pit membrane thickness as a key determinant of embolism resistance in angiosperm xylem. IAWA Journal 37: 152–171.
12、Li S, Feifel M, Karimi Z, Schuldt B, Choat B, Jansen S*. 2015. Leaf gas exchange performance and the lethal water potential of five European species during drought. Tree Physiology 36: 179–192.
2016年度国际木材解剖学家协会期刊最佳论文奖(I.W. Bailey award)